JOTUN Antiskid
Jotun Anti-Skid is aluminium oxide grains, intended to be spread into the last coat in a non-skid system
Stock Code: JN-AS-F-3
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Product Description
Jotun Anti-Skid is aluminium oxide grains, intended to be spread into the last coat in a non-skid system. Available in extra coarse, coarse, medium and fine particle sizes. For use on decks, floors, gangways and other areas where additional friction properties are required. The spreading is to take place in the wet film during application.
Recommended quantity:
Fine particle size (180 - 250 µ) for coatings applied in 50 to 150 µ DFT, such as topcoats. The recommended usage is 1,5 - 2,0 kg per 10 litres of paint
Medium particle size (400 - 600 µ) for coatings applied in 150 to 400 µ DFT, such as Jotamastic products and thick film topcoats. The recommended usage is 2,5 - 3,3 kg per 10 litres of paint
Coarse particle size (700 - 1000 µ) for coatings applied in 400 to 1500 µ DFT, such as Baltoflake products. The recommended usage is 3,0 - 4,0 kg per 10 litres of paint
All JOTUN Marine products are for professional application only, not for resale or retail use. These products are not suitable for yachts or pleasure vessels!